- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Blacksmiths. He is holding sword.
- WHERE can I find him?
- In the Forge downstairs.
- HOW do I make him stop hammering?
- Listen to the conversation and they will talk to Edgewise and he will stop hammering.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Weavers. One of the Elders.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the sanctuary in the village of Loom island.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Use Opening to set Hetchel free.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Opening.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Weavers. One of the Elders.
- WHERE can I find him?
- In the sanctuary in the village of Loom island.
- WHAT do I need him for?
- Nothing.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Weavers. One of the Elders.
- WHERE can I find him?
- In the sanctuary in the village of Loom island.
- WHAT do I need him for?
- Nothing.
- WHERE can I find him?
- In the sanctuary in the village of Loom island.
- WHAT do I need him for?
- Nothing.
- WHERE can I find it?
- Look at flask and you will learn Emptying.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- You can use it on chalice, on pool and on woodpin, but it isn't necessary.
- WHEN do I get it?
- You can get it in different places:
- 1. You might get it if you use Dyeing on heap or wool.
- 2. You might get it if you use Dyeing on tapestry.
- 3. You might get it if you use Straw into Gold on gold.
- HOW do I get it?
- Use Emptying backwards.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the village of Loom island, in the tent far to the right.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Look at it and you will learn Emptying.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHO is she?
- The Guild of Shepherds. First Chosen of the Guild of Shepherds.
- WHERE can I find her?
- In the shepherd's village.
- WHAT do I need her for?
- Talk to her and she will tell you about the dragon.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the Guild of Blacksmiths. It is the Blacksmiths home.
- HOW do I enter it?
- Use Reflection on Rusty and you will change clothes. With Rusty's clothes you will be able to enter the Forge.
- HOW do I get out of the prison?
- Take a nap on the straw and Hetchel will give you the distaff. Now you can use Opening on the door.
- WHAT shall I do there?
- When you are out of the prison, go downstairs. Use Sharpening backwards or Twisting on the sword and Bishop Mandible will take you to his castle.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Blacksmiths. Rusty Nailbender's father, the forman.
- WHERE can I find him?
- Downstairs, he is talking with Bishop Mandible.
- WHAT do I shall I do with him?
- Listen to their conversation and use Sharpening backwards or Twisting on the sword when Edgewise has stopped hammering.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHEN do I get it?
- When you have left the Loom island and get passed the waterspout.
- WHERE can I find it?
- The gate is the entrance to the Forge.
- HOW do I get pass the gate?
- If you use Opening than the gate will open, but you can't go in there as Bobbin. Use Reflection on Rusty and enter as Rusty.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Opening.
- WHERE can I find it?
- You can find it in the village of Loom island, in the middle tent and in the Dragon's Lair.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- The only gold that is important is in the Dragon's Lair. Use Gold into Straw on the gold and you will get thread A.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Gold into Straw.
- WHERE can I find it?
- Look at wheel and you will learn Gold into Straw.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Transform gold into straw or straw into gold if you use it backwards. There is some gold and straw in the village of Loom island. You can find gold in the Dragon's Lair and some straw in the Forge's prison.
- WHERE can I find it?
- You can find them in Loom island, Crystalgard and outside the Forge.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Nothing.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Opening.
- WHO are they?
- They makes iron. Bishop Mandible want them to make swords to him. They lives in the Forge.
- HOW do I get there?
- When you get out from the caves you will come to the Blacksmiths.
- WHO are they?
- Bishop Mandible is one of the Clerics and they lives in a castle.
- HOW do I get there?
- WHO are they?
- They makes glass. They lives in the Crystalgard.
- HOW do I get there?
- WHO are they?
- They are some kind of wizard. Fleece hired one to save the sheeps from the dragon.
- HOW do I get there?
- You will not meet them in this game.
- WHO are they?
- They take care of the sheeps.
- HOW do I get there?
- You need to get pass the camouflage shepherds in the woods. Use Terror on them.
- HOW do I get there?
- You will not meet them in this game.
- WHO are they?
- They are the experts in weaving. It is death to look on a weaver's face.
- WHERE can I find it?
- On the shore in Loom island.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- You will learn Opening from them.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Nothing.
- WHERE can I find it?
- You will learn it from Fleece.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- You need it to wake up Rusty and the shepherds from the dead.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the village of Loom island, in the tent far to the right.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Use Dyeing on it and you might get thread F, if not look at F.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Dyeing.
- WHO is she?
- The Guild of Weavers. She is the High Council.
- WHERE can I find her?
- You find her for the first time in the sanctuary. You will also see her in the end when Chaos is chasing her.
- HOW do I make her talk?
- When Chaos uses Silence on her she can't talk. Look at the Loom and learn Silence. Use it backwards on Hetchel and she can talk again.
- HOW do I transform her back to duck?
- When Chaos uses Shaping on her she will transform into a steak. Look at the Loom and learn Shaping. Use it backwards on Hetchel.
- HOW do I transform her back from the feather?
- Chaos will transform her into a feather. When he does that, you can't save her. Unmake the Loom instead.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Silence and Shaping.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the village of Loom island, in the tent far to the right.
- WHAT should I do there?
- Learn Dyeing and Emptying. Get the Book of Patterns. Maybe you will find thread F here too.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the Loom island, in the forest.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- There is four holes, and there in three of the holes there is a owl. If you fill all the holes with owls you will learn Night Vision.
- HOW do I make the owl go to the hole?
- Look at thorns.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- You can find four holes in the end of the game when you are Outside the Pattern.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Each hole leads to a Guild you have been in. Bishop Mandible opened the hole to let the dead ones enter the pattern.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Opening.
- WHERE can I find it?
- You will learn it from the shepherds in the woods.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- To reach the tower in the Crystalgard, where the workers is.
- WHERE can I find her?
- The lamb is in the village of Shepherds.
- HOW do I save her?
- You can't save her.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- When you meet Fleece she will use Healing on the lamb, and you will learn it.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- On the top of Loom island.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Nothing.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the sanctuary in the village of Loom island.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- You will learn Transcendence, Silence, Shaping and Unmaking from it.
- HOW do I unmake it?
- Look at the Loom when Chaos has transform Hetchel into a feather and you will learn Unmakeing. Use it on the Loom.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Unmaking.
- HOW do I get out from it?
- Find thread F on the island and go to the top. Use Opening on the sky and a tree will fall down. Climb on the tree at the shore and sail out.
- HOW do I pass the waterspout?
- Learn Twisting from it and use it backwards to make it disappear.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Glassmakers. He is the Founder of the Noble Guild of Glassmakers.
- WHERE can I find him?
- You can't meet him.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Glassmakers. According to the rumors he could sell anything.
- WHERE can I find him?
- You will hear him talking to Bishop Mandible about a sphere of scrying.
- WHAT do I need him for?
- Nothing.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Glassmakers.
- WHERE can I find it?
- You will meet him in the Crystalgard.
- HOW do I save him at the end?
- You can't save him.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHAT is it?
- The Elders weave the nymph and send it to get Bobbin.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Blacksmiths. He takes care of the furnace.
- WHERE can I find him?
- In the Forge outside the prison.
- WHAT do shall I do with myself?
- Use Transcendence on you!
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Trancendence.