- WHEN do I get it?
- When you are in the Dragon's lair and transform the gold into straw you will get thread A. Look at Dragon's Lair.
- WHEN do I get it?
- In the end of the game when you are Outside the Pattern. Close all the holes and you will get thread B. Look at hole.
- WHO is he?
- He is a beast which Bishop Mandible have captured.
- WHERE can I find him?
- At Bishop Mandible's Castle in the prison.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- When he breaks out from the cage, run from him.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In some places around the Crystalgard.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Use it to transport yourself to another place in the Crystalgard.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Clerics. Bishop Mandible Transultimate Apostle of the Antisecular Conclave of Clerics.
- WHERE can I find him?
- You can see him in the Crystalgard and in the Forge. You will meet him personally when he captures you.
- HOWdo I escape from his Castle?
- Look at Cob.
- HOWdo I get my distaff from him?
- You can't. When he dies you can get it back.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Weavers. It is the character you are playing.
- HOW do I escape from the prison in the Forge?
- You can't do much without your distaff. Take a nap on the straw and wait until Hetchel bring you the distaff for you. Then you can use Opening on the door.
- HOW do I escape from the prison in Mandible's Castle?
- Open the cage with the spell Opening
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Transcendence (at the end).
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the village of Loom island. It is in the tent far to the right on the table.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- It is the book where all the spellweaving is. You can't look in it during the game.
- WHEN do I get it?
- When you unmake the Loom at the end.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In Bishop Mandible's prison. You are in it when Mandible captures you.
- HOW do I get out of it?
- Use the spell Opening on it.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Opening.
- WHERE can I find it?
- Behind Dragon's Lair.
- HOW do I get to it?
- Look at Dragon's Lair.
- HOW do I get out of it?
- Go to the east and you will come to a place. Then go west and you will see a pool. Then go behind the stone pillar and you will be out.
- WHERE can I find it?
- You can find it everywhere. There is a cemetery in each Guild.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- At the end when you is Outside the Pattern you can transfer to the Pattern by using the holes in the cemeteries. Look at hole.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- Inside the Crystalgard.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Nothing. Master Goodmold talk about it when reach it.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Emptying.
- WHO is he?
- He is a Dead One. He comes from Outside the Pattern when Bishop Mandible open the Pattern.
- WHERE can I find him?
- You will meet him in Bishop Mandible's Castle for the first time and at the Loom in Loom island.
- HOW do I get rid of him?
- You can't get rid of him.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- No spellweaving will do any effect on him.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the village of Loom island. It is the tent far to the left.
- WHAT shall I do there?
- You shall talk to the Elders. You will get Elder Atropos' distaff there.
- WHERE can I find it?
- At the beach in the Loom island.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Nothing.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Opening
- HOW do I get it?
- Use the spellweaving Opening backwards.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the village of Loom island. It is in the tent far to the right.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Nothing.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Dyeing.
- WHO is he?
- The Guild of Clerics. He is Mandible's assistant.
- WHERE can I find him?
- He is in Bishop Mandible's Castle.
DT>HOW do I get rid of him?
- Look at sphere.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the Forge.
- WHAT shall I do with it?
- Listen to the conversation and when Edgewise rises the sword. Look at sword.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the Crystalgard.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Use it to transport yourself to another place. In this case you will transport yourself to the workers.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- When you get out from Loom island, you will see the Crystalgard.
- WHAT shall I do there?
- Find the sphere and learn the spellweaving Terror. Look at workers or sphere.
- WHO is she?
- The Guild of Weavers. She is Bobbin's mother.
- WHERE can I find her?
- You will meet her Outside the Pattern in The Shore of Wonder.
- WHAT do I need her for?
- Listen to her.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the village of Loom island, the tent in the middle. You can also find it in the caves behind Dragon's Lair.
- WHAT do should I do there?
- Use Night Vision to see in the dark.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Night Vision.
- WHO are they?
- They are dead people who lives Outside the Pattern.
- WHERE can I find them?
- You can only find Chaos.
- WHERE can I find it?
- You will find it in the sanctuary.
- HOW do I get it?
- Wait until Elder Atropos transform into a swan and drop the distaff.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Without it you can't use any spellweaving.
- HOW do I get it back in the Forge?
- Take a nap on the straw in the prison.
- HOW do I get it back from Mandible?
- Look at Mandible.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the Forge.
- HOW do I get open it?
- You need the distaff. Take a nap on the straw and Hetchel will get it for you.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Opening.
- WHAT do I need it him for?
- Nothing. Look at sheep.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Sleep.
- WHO is he?
- It is a dragon who are stealing the shepherde's sheeps.
- WHERE can I find him?
- When he doesn't steal sheeps he is in his lair.
- HOW do I get out of the dragon's lair?
- Transform the gold into straw (use Straw into Gold backwards) and you will get thread A. Now you can use Sleep on the dragon.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- Sleep.
- HOW do I get there?
- When you have talked to Fleece go out and you will see a lots of sheeps. Use Dyeing on the sheeps and the dragon will take you to his lair.
- HOW do I get out?
- Transform the gold into straw (use Straw into Gold backwards) and you will get thread A. Now you can use Sleep on the dragon.
- HOW do I get out of the labyrinth?
- Look at caves.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the caves behind Dragon's Lair. Use Emptying on pool.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Nothing.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.
- WHERE can I find it?
- Look at dye-pot.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- To get thread F and to get to the Dragon's Lair.
- WHERE can I find it?
- In the village of Loom island. It is in the tent far to the right.
- WHAT do I need it for?
- Look at it to learn Dyeing.
- WHICH spellweaving can I use?
- None.